Pordenone round-up

It’s taken three weeks, but we have now published the Bioscope’s diary for all eight days of the Pordenone Silent Film Festival, or Giornate del Cinema Muto. The festival ran from 1-8 October 2011, and below are links to each day’s report, with some of the main films featured in those reports:

  • Day oneGantsirluni, Un Amore Selvaggio, Più che la morte
  • Day twoAsphalt, Mantrap, Die Sklavenkönigin (Moon of Israel)
  • Day threeAmerikanka, Chyortovo Koleso (The Devil’s Wheel), Japanese animation
  • Day fourThe Lady of the Dugout, Oblomok Imperii (Fragments of an Empire), La Voyage dans la lune, Shinel (The Overcoat)
  • Day fiveHintertreppe (Backstairs), The Force that through the Green Fire Fuels the Flower, The Circus, Khabarda (Out of the Way)
  • Day sixThe Great White Silence, Eliso, Fiaker Nr. 13, The Canadian
  • Day sevenCenere, Salomy Jane, The White Shadow
  • Day eightDas Spielzeug Von Paris (The Plaything of Paris), South, The Wind

There are other reports out there on the festival. Particularly recommended is the filmgoing diary of Finnish film programmer Antti Alanen, who gives full credits, catalogue descriptions and his own observations on every film he sees at Pordenone (and anywhere else for that matter). Other reports can be found on Silent London, Bristol Silents (c/o James Harrison), Jan-Christopher Horak on the Soviet films at the festival, while Reto Kromer reproduces all of his tweets from the festival here.

You can find details of every film show in sumptuous detail on the 2011 catalogue, helpfully divided up online section by section. There are also the Giornate’s Flickr photostream and its YouTube channel (interviews and the like rather than films shown). There is also the festival Twitter account, very active during the festival.

For details of all films shown at the festival 1982-2010, see the Giornate’s online database; while for past Bioscope reports on the festival, going back to 2007, visit the Series section of this blog.

Finally, you can see more pictures from this year’s festival on the Bioscope’s own Flickr photostream.

Next year’s festival runs 6-13 October 2012.